What’s New On Joe Verde’s Online Training?
Want an extra shot in the arm to get your salespeople pumped to sell more units in 2023? Check out these exciting, new program additions to help you sell more cars, have more fun and make more money.
Weekend Game Plan – One of our most popular video series of sales tips on JVTN®. A new sales tip from our Joe Verde trainer experts is posted online every Friday for subscribers only.
Money Maker Meetings – Short, quick sales meetings.
Joe’s Audio Sales Podcasts – Stream sales podcasts for short, selling tips when you’re on the go or in the car.
Courses & Favorites Available on Audio – Core selling courses and extras now on audio.
Goal Setting & Tracking – All the sales tools for success are at your fingertips in this module, including training courses, Joe’s books, online calculators, popular audios and more!
It's Time To Train!
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